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How can you make Web Designing and SEO hassle free?

How can you make Web Designing and SEO hassle free?

One of the important aspects of owning a website or any online business is maintaining its visibility on search engines. This can be achieved by a well strategised Search engine optimisation (SEO) which is the widely used online marketing practice to increase the awareness and branding. Other than growing the visibility of your website search engine optimisation can also drive traffic,...

Logo Designing Services Company Mumbai

Logo Designing Services Company Mumbai

The first impression is the doorstep towards your personality similarly, a brand’s logo is a reflection of the firm’s identity. In today’s competitive market arena every brand is making equal efforts to sustain, survive and grow at a certain pace. Being unique matters the most if a brand needs to stand out and that’s when...


Importance And Benefits Of Website Analytics – 3 Ways In Which It Can Help Marketers

Consider this scenario – you just built a fancy website with lots of flash plugins and jazzy designs. However, you notice that people are leaving your website without performing any actions on it. They are not scrolling, neither are they going from one page to another. Without website analytics, you would keep scratching your head trying to figure...

Understanding the difference between reporting and analysis with examples

Understanding the difference between reporting and analysis with examples

Reporting and Analysis are two terms that are often used interchangeably, but they are two different things. Reporting usually answers ‘what’, whereas Analysis answers the how, why, and so what? Reporting is about presenting data, whereas Analytics is about making sense out of that data and deriving the salient points. Reporting often gives rise to questions, that are...

4 Tips to build a Successful Social Media Plan

4 Tips to build a Successful Social Media Plan

With the advent of social media platforms, businesses across the world have changed their outlook towards marketing. Back in the 2000s, when social media was still a mystery being deciphered, businesses often asked ‘Is social media for me?’, or ‘Should I make a social media plan?’. These questions are now being replaced by ‘How can...

GDPR: Why are Social Media platforms bombarding you with Privacy Updates?

GDPR: Why are Social Media platforms bombarding you with Privacy Updates?

The digital world is progressing at a rapid pace. In fact, it is evolving much faster than the laws governing the same are. Most of the laws that look after the privacy of digital users were made long time ago and have several loopholes. Social Media platforms collect vast amounts of user data without informing...